Monday, October 31, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Let's try this again! Had an appointment today at 8am and after a very boring week at home, I have been told I am good to return to work. However, if I have anymore bleeding, that is the sign and will be done working for the remainder of my pregnancy. So at this point I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be incident free for the next 5 weeks. I will continue going weekly to the doctor and doing the non stress tests twice a week at this point. I am still having a few contractions, but my doctor said this is expected and I will probably have them throughout the rest of my pregnancy. Once again, none of this has seemed to phase the baby, which I am hoping is a good sign that not much will phase him when he comes out! That is about it for baby news, of course stay posted because things seem to change in an instance with this kid! In other news, I am seriously contemplating my Bronco fandom. I am not really contemplating this because I just am too set in my ways to change, but could we be any worse?!? Even the teams that have 0 wins have looked better than us. Needless to say, Tebow was not the answer and I think it is time to give the Notre Dame boy a shot! Congrats to all the Viking fans for pulling an upset, however this derailed me a little on my pick'em league. Lot of season left so hopefully I will make up some ground! Birthday season has officially kicked off with both nephew Mason turning the big 3 and niece Avery turning the big 4! With that being said, I bid October goodbye and welcome November! I am excited for what the next few weeks hold!

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