Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well, just when I thought everything was going good, the child of mine decides it is time for another couple trips to the hospital. Marcus and I are getting very familiar with the ins and outs of Sanford. We had baby class on Saturday, so we spent the entire day at Sanford. Got some great information and took a tour, some of which we were familiar with! Sunday night, went to the bathroom and was bleeding again. Good news, not near as much as it had been previously, but since it was enough off to the hospital again. Was given an IV of fluids and monitored for a while and back home. I already had an appointment with my doctor on Monday morning at 7:30 so since the bleeding had pretty much stopped again we got to go home. My appointment went good, and I was told to relax on Monday to make sure the bleeding was not going to come back but I could go back to work on Tuesday. Since I was monitored Sunday night, which basically is the non stress test, I didn't need to do another one yesterday morning. So, once again I am all excited to go back to work, and my kid has other plans. Tuesday morning at about 4, I woke up with cramping. It wasn't major cramping, but enough to keep me from sleeping. There was no bleeding when going to the bathroom so I figured that is a plus, but still decided to call. Didn't want it to be a sign that the bleeding was going to return. I called the clinic this morning and they told me I better go in. Once again, Marcus and I made the fantastic trip to the hospital. Good news, we are pros at navigating around! Turns out my cramping was contractions. Not the Braxton Hicks but some regular contractions. I was seen by the resident OB on call and again I am not dilated at all, cervix is completely closed. I was given a shot to stop the contractions and my doctor was notified. He asked that a urine sample be taken, which was fine since I had to go to the bathroom anyway. In my sample there was blood and something else, but basically it came back to I have an infection of some sort. So we hung out a little longer while more tests were ran and it seems I have a urinary tract infection. Even though I have not had the usual symptoms for this, I guess it can be common in pregnancy. This is to be believed what caused my contractions or pre-term labor. The cause for the bleeding is still unknown. Through all this, baby H has been just fine. Heartbeat is great and he is a moving like crazy which is all good! He is however, going to be grounded for like the first 10 years of his life, only kidding! At this point I am at home and have been told no work for the rest of the week. This really bums me out for two reasons. Daytime TV stinks and I really love my job. I hate the fact that I do not get to contribute and that others need to pick up my slack for me not being there. I know there is not much I can do about it, but I still don't have to like it. The dog however, will completely eat this up. So for now, I will be doing as little as possible and trying to relax. Hopefully everything will be cleared up by Monday and I will be free and clear for the remaining 5 weeks of this pregnancy. All in all though, I am not going to complain too much, and I would totally do it all again!

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