Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bed Rest

My finger crossing did not go so good. Yesterday, I head to lunch with a coworker and as we were walking into the restaurant I could just feel it was coming. I went to the restroom and sure enough, bleeding. So I called Marcus and had my coworker take me home. Marcus got home and I called the clinic and my doctor's nurse said to go ahead and go to the hospital. Did I ever mention how tired I am of going to the hospital. I think I knew in the back of my mind what the bleeding signified, but I was going to keep my hopes up. Once we were at the hospital we were taken to the labor triage area and again hooked up to the monitors. Baby was still rocking like usual and I was having some contractions. Saw the OB on call, who was the same OB from last Tuesday. She did a speculum exam and checked me and at this point I am dilated to a 1. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions. They had been talking to my doctor as well and I was sent home around 5 with bed rest orders. Not just for the rest of the week, but sounds like the rest of the pregnancy. Not going to lie, it took a lot to hold back the tears in the hospital cause heaven forbid the nurses see me cry! I am upset for two reasons, first I was really excited to get back to work. I don't feel sick or am in pain so I hate being at home when I could be doing something more useful. Second, because I am now on bed rest, I am lucky enough to have this time paid, it does however shorten the amount of time I get to spend at home after the baby is born. I pretty much will get to spend the 6 weeks and then return to work. It just would have been nice to have a little more time to get routines discovered, his and my own, and send him off to daycare a little older than a month and a half. That would be of course if I make it to my due date. My friends and husband are convinced I am going to be having a November baby instead of a December baby. My only hope is that it does not fall on opening deer or my poor child will virtually never have a birthday party! So, for now, I am taking it easy and trying to keep myself occupied for the next how many weeks. I suppose it will be completely different once I actually have a baby to occupy me! I go to the doctor on Monday so I will surely keep you updated if anything changes but considering last time he told me if anymore bleeding I was done, I am pretty sure this is it. 

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