Sunday, October 9, 2011

Still 31 Weeks

Well, my plan to head back to work for Friday got derailed. Thursday night at about 1am I got up to use the restroom, while this is not out of the ordinary, I was bleeding once again. I got to wake up poor Marcus and off to the hospital we went. This time we called the labor triage and were sent right up. We did another ultrasound, which still didn't really help indicate where the bleeding was coming from, but we did find out that baby was now head down. I was having some contractions, nothing major, but I was checked by the OB on call. I was not dilating and my cervix was completely closed so that was a good thing. Baby was doing flips in my stomach because at some point he became breech again. They decided to keep me until the really fancy baby doctor could see me. I call them that because I cannot spell the name for them! My doctor checked in on me around 6am. At this point the bleeding had stopped, again, for the most part. We continued to monitor the baby, who was doing great. His heartbeat was good, and never showed any signs of distress. My blood pressure, and pulse were good as well. We say the fancy baby doctor around 11 and he decided that he wanted me to remain blood free for 24/48 hours so I was spending the night. My poor hubby was scheduled to go to KC for the weekend, but since they were keeping me, he stayed home. I tried my hardest to get him to go, but apparently he is more stubborn than me. So, we settled into watching daytime TV, which is horrible, and trying to keep friends and family updated. Problem is, we really don't know where the bleeding was coming from so not much to update! We did get some visitors throughout the day and evening which was nice. I didn't get much sleep on Thursday night due to being monitored all night. If I tried to lay on my slide, we would lose the babies heartbeat and the machine would beep, so I pretty much had to lay on my back as much as possible. It is sometimes hard to sleep on my back, because my hips start to hurt. Friday night, they allowed me to go unmonitored from about 10 to 6:30 so I got a lot more sleep, when I didn't wake up to Marcus snoring! My doctor came in around 8:30 on Saturday and said they were going to allow me to go home, but I was to do nothing. No lifting, no long walks, and at this point no work. I am seeing him Monday to see where we go from here. I did have baby shower scheduled for Saturday and he allowed me to go to that, but I was not to do anything while there. I sure tried my best! So for now, I am trying to do my best at doing nothing. Marcus will tell you I didn't do a good job at that on Saturday, and that I have done much better today. I am a little sore in the stomach area, and have a hard time bending over. Hopefully I will hear good news tomorrow, but for now this is mainly what I have. I will certainly keep you posted!

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