Thursday, October 6, 2011

31 Week appointment

Okay, so I totally thought I was at week 32, but either I can't count or the doctor's can't count, and I am going to have to go with I can't count. As usual, things have to be done the exciting way! Last night in my attempt to go to the grocery store, I went to the bathroom and ended up bleeding. Off to Acute Care we went. Not much can be done there, so they called ahead and we made the trek to Labor and Delivery. Once at Labor and Delivery, I got hooked up to the monitors to make sure baby was good. I was still experiencing some bleeding at this time, but compared to what it was it was slowing down. Baby was doing good, heartbeat was strong and he was not under any distress. With my placenta being low, we did an ultra sound to see if that was the source of the bleeding or if I had a tear somewhere. My placenta has moved up some, and I didn't have any tears so that all looked good. Apparently the baby did not like the heartbeat monitor because he kept kicking it! During the ultrasound we discovered that so far the baby is breech. He really is giving me the whole pregnancy experience. Since my bleeding had pretty much stopped, my doctor was comfortable with sending me home, especially since he was going to be seeing me today. So finally around midnight, we got to check out and head home. I was not allowed to go to work today, and was told to just lay low and so I did. I am not very good at laying low and was soo bored today! At our appointment, my doctor said that the bleeding was most likely caused by my low placenta. He said something about blood passing over the placenta to the cervix and sometimes if the placenta is low a pool will develop and when the placenta moves, the blood has no where to go but down and out. It is, of course, something to continue to monitor. We will have another ultrasound in about a month to see if the baby is still breech or if he has decided to flip. If not, they will try to help him flip, but if he doesn't, my doctor said he is not going to attempt to deliver him breech so that would mean I get a C-Section. At this time I have been cleared to go back to work, Yeah!, but need to make sure I am taking it easy and if anymore bleeding or pain of any sort to call him. I need to watch what I lift to make sure it is not too heavy and I guess to my dismay, rely on my hubby to pick up the slack! Marcus is off to Kansas City this weekend for the Nascar Race. It is a guys trip so they should have a ton of fun! He is leaving me in the good paws of Boomer and of course all our family and friends! I go back to the doctor in 3 weeks, than it will be 2 weeks, and than every week after that! Guess that means I am getting close! Until next time, and I hope a less exciting next time!


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