Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I cannot believe I actually did it. According to the lack of updates on Facebook, and the minimal emails I send that are not work related, I never thought the day would come where I would actually accomplish opening a blog. Guess I never thought I would become a blogger as well, but here we are! As you can tell, I have yet to put up pictures, you will have to give me time. This is a big feat in itself! Anyhoo, just wanted to throw out that hey blog world, here I am! There will be more to come, I promise, but for now this is what I have. I am 31 weeks pregnant and feeling as big as a house, but I continue to eat. Apparently my little one is gaining weight and there fore has decided that my extra circular activity is now eating. Don't get me wrong, I like food so I am all about it, but I also enjoyed getting up off the couch and bed with less resistance! Did I mention it is a boy? For most of you that know my husband it is amazing that my cravings do not consist of Nacho Cheese Dorito's, and Cokes! Love you Marcus! More to come in a week or so when I go to my next appointment. Until then, I will leave you with the A to Z's of me!

A. Age: 30, which I actually didn't mind turning, it will be when I have to check the box 35-40 that I might break down

B. Bed Size: Queen, which my dog and I am sure soon to be child would appreciate a King.

C. Chores I Hate: Dusting and folding laundry. They should invent a machine that folds your laundry for you.

D. Dogs: Boomer, who literally has a tail that goes boom.

E. Essential Start to your Day: Used to be coffee, but recently is breakfast.

F. Favorite Color: Green

G. Gold or Silver: Silver

H. Height: 5'4"

I. Instruments you Play: I used to play the violin and piano. My guess is I would not be good at either at this point.

J. Job Title: Soon to be momma, Customer Service Representative for Precision Support

K. Kids: One, soon to be. Unless you count my husband and dog...then 2 with one on the way!

L. Live: Sioux Falls, South Dakota

M. Mother's Name: Nanon. Love you Mom!

N. Nickname: Jo, Jomama

O. Overnight Hospital Stays: None yet

P. Pet Peeves: Horrible customer service, inconsiderate people, and slow/dumb drivers.

Q. Quote from a Movie: "That there Clark is an RV"

R. Right or Left Handed: Right

S. Sibilings: My brother Pat, seriously the greatest big brother ever!

T. Tasty Food: I could eat spaghetti or cereal any day of the week.

U. Underware: Yep!

V. Vegetable you Hate: I pretty much like them all

W. What Makes you Run Late: Honestly...I am usually never late...

X. X-Rays You've Had: Dental and I think that is it

Y: Yummy Food you Make: Marcus would hands down say Lasanga

Z: Zoo Animal: Love them all, except the reptiles, but have to say the penquins

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