Friday, November 11, 2011

Well here is what I have been up to recently. As most of you know I was put on bed rest on Nov. 2nd. Well, on Monday the 7th I went to the bathroom at 12:30am and had more bleeding. Went to the hospital and was monitored and given a shot to stop contractions. Was released and sent home around 2:30am. I woke up at 5:30am to more bleeding. I called the triage area and because the bleeding had stopped and I wasn't really having any contractions they said if I was comfortable to just lay low and call my doctor when the clinic opened. So I called my clinic at 7:30am. My doctor's day off is Tuesdays but the nurses got a hold of him and he said as long as the bleeding had stopped, I wasn't having any contractions, and the baby was moving good I was okay to stay home. Well, I went to the bathroom at 9:30am and was bleeding again. So Marcus came home from work and off to the hospital we went. Again I was monitored however was not really having any contractions so wasn't given a shot. At this point they decided to check me in for the night. My doctor stopped up on Tuesday night to check on me and said the prenatel doctor would be up in the morning. Spoke to the prenatel and he at this point recommended that I stay until I deliver however if I have anymore bleeding they are going to simply induce me than. We decided to do an anmio to see how the little guys lungs were developing to see if it was worth just inducing. Well his lungs were not mature enough to induce. They like to see 50 and baby H's were at 22.2. At this point I have been given a round of steriod shots to help the lungs mature more quickly. Currently, if I stay incident free, basically no bleeding, they are going to induce me at 37 weeks. Which would be the 17th. They are inducing mainly to put an end to my numerous trips to the hospital for bleeding. 37 weeks is no longer considered pre-term and the lungs will/should be developed enough at this point to avoid the ICU. The steriods take effect immediately and they like to deliver within 48 hours to 2 weeks of having the shots. If I have bleeding before then, they are going to induce and if I happen to go into labor on my own, they are not going to stop it. As scary as it is to imagine that I am going to have a child in less than a week, I certainly was relieved to find out I was not going to be in the hospital until Dec. 8th. Not sure I would have survived that. My child is truely a hunter considering he has decided opening deer is the best time to make his arrival! Guess he just wants to go hunting with daddy that bad! Not going to lie, sitting in the hospital doing nothing is pretty boring and stressful at the same time. I am a pretty big worrier and I get to sit here and stress over all the things that need to be done before I come home with a little one. Marcus is rather happy I am in the hospital because I am not allowed to do any of the things that I would be doing at home but I try to tell him this is more stressful than me actually cleaning a toliet! For now anyway we are just hanging around wondering when this one will make his apperance. I will do my best to keep you all updated as I learn more, but the next post could certainly be to intruduce the little man to you all!

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