Friday, September 28, 2012

Been Awhile

Uffty, it has been awhile since I have blogged. It is a good thing this isn't my day job! One thing I have been discovering however, is how many day jobs it is for people. I hate to say it, but I have become immersed in the blogging world. I have found myself following a couple in-particular., I love her blog. She is a mother of 7 and always has amazing things to say. I love that she is real and has the moments of frustration and after the moments of frustration the moments of feeling guilty about those moments of frustration. I have found that as my child gets older, and becomes more of a mover, more boisterous, more curious, my patience is becoming more thin. I hate that, here is this gorgeous little human being that is just trying to figure this big old world out, and here I am concerned about getting pizza dough rolled out. Reading her blog and realizing I am not the only one that has these moments of weaknesses and then feel guilty about them, makes me feel a little better. I am working on the patience thing and trying to remind myself that I really have nothing to complain about. That brings me to the next blog I seem to find myself reading., talk about not needing to complain. This poor couple lost their little girl to SIDS. I cannot imagine the heartbreak and how they find the strength to go on. Reading this blog puts me in to check and really reminds me on an everyday basis that life is short and that there are a million things that can be worse than not getting pizza dough rolled out, dog hair on the floor, baby food in my face, and after reading this blog, I am thankful every day for baby food in my face. So, as I sit and blog about my uneventful, I can't help but think how lucky I am! Enough with the heavy...My little man is rockstarring life! He had tubes, and after having one more ear infection seems to be soo much better. He is starting to let go while standing a lot, so thinking some steps will be coming my way any day. He is always walking around furniture and seems to want to stand not sit. The bouncy has become ineffective and I need to make sure my eyes in the back of my head are open at all times! Some of his favorite things are, the dog water dish, the dogs bone, the dog, mom's shoes, the tv remote, the tv, his pacifier, his nicely folded clothes, his sippy cup, pizza, and mac & cheese. Some of his not favorite things, getting his nose wiped, getting his diaper changed, drying his head after a bath, when we take away the tv remote, mom's shoes, and the dog's bone away from him, and moving him from beating on the tv. He gets really excited when we get home and let Boomer out of his kennel. Boomer tends to be excited and jump up to lick, which gets Sawyer excited and he starts kicking his legs and giggling! Ah, I wish everyone could see it! we close out September, we have 1st birthdays to look forward to, Avery and Mason's birthdays, and trick or treating! Happy October all, hope the month is wonderful!

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