Thursday, February 7, 2013

The month of love

Oh my, I cannot believe it is February already! Where has the time gone? Hmm..what have we been doing lately? We have been trying to keep up with a very curious, active, talkative (totally from Marcus), little boy. Sawyer will turn 15 months on the 14th of this month. Cannot believe he is already over a year old! We had his first birthday party at our house and it was a full house. We had both sets of my parents, Marcus's parents, all the cousins, aunts/uncles, Grandma's, and our wonderful group of extended family! Needless to say, the night was a blur of cake, presents, laughter, reminiscing, family, and wine. We followed that weekend up by opening deer in which I got to sit with my hubby and experience the kill. I have to admit it was pretty neat. Marcus laughed at me the whole time because I was pretty worried other hunters were not going to see my orange! We also got to celebrate multiple birthdays, starting in October we have Aunt Missy, Aunt Cassy, Cousin Mason, Cousin Avery, and Cousin Beckett(extended framily). November we have Uncle Mike, Cousin Devin, Grandpa Dan and Sawyer. December we have Cousin Jake, Godmother Holli, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Nanon, and Cousin Chase(extended framily). January we have Cousin Cory's, and Aunt Heidi's(extended framily) and we follow up in February with Grandma Linda's, and Cousin Ella's. We get a break in March, but are pretty much back at from April to February again! Marcus and I managed to sneak in a snowmobile trip to the Black Hills in January. Good trail riding, hot tubing, and amazing friends. We had a blast, tough to come back to reality. Marcus has been staying busy at work, which of course is a good thing. Seems the housing market has picked up some, so the more the build, the more he wires. Year end is always a busy time for me, and I have never been so glad to see January end and February begin. No more tax notice questions! Well at least until 5498 season! Marcus and I are jetting back out to the Hills this Presidents Day weekend for snowmobile trip round two. Pretty excited for the vacation and maybe to try my luck in Deadwood! Other than that, not too much happening with us. Sawyer continues to amaze me every day. We like to walk into daycare and really enjoys his friends. We don't hardly even bat an eye when mom goes. We have a couple new babies in the nursery and he is always there to lend a helping hand. He likes to help me unload the dishwasher, and shut doors. He loves music and likes to dance. He will pretty much eat anything you put on his plate, but loves his fruit. He has really gotten more affection with Boomer and always hugs him, and then tries to poke his eye. We still love our pacifier, but considering we quit the bottle didn't think he(really me) could handle taking both away at the same time! We are starting to work on it though. We read books each night before bed, and like to brush our long as mom and dad don't try to help. We are learning to go down stairs, since we have mastered the up. I cannot wait for summer to break out his wagon and other riding toys, as well as not having to put on a jacket, gloves, and a hat. This seems to be up on his I do not like list, as well as getting the nose wiped(still!), Boomer's tail(he is perfect height to get it in the head), when mom picks up his toys, and the vacuum cleaner. We love unrolling the toilet paper, our baths, animals, music, fruit, our sippy cups, balls, Boomer, and much more. I love how his love list is way longer than his dislike list! Hope this finds everyone well, and catch up with you again soon!

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