Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Time

Ah, we have offically entered summer and camping season! Not to mention the other 10 things going on this summer! We started our camping season off in May at Lake Vermillion just outside of Sioux Falls. It was Sawyer's first camping trip and first beer with friend Beckett! A great time was had by all. Family came out Friday night to celebrate our friends birthday and the relaxation weekend was on from there. Memorial weekend Grandpa Bob and Grandma Linda game to visit, so on Friday it was dinner and nephew Cory's baseball game, Saturday was golf, which I really am horrible at, and then it was off to camp till Monday! This time we camped on some friends land. They have an amazing set up for camping and we love staying there. The next weekend, Sawyer and I made the trek to Huron for Cousin Amanda's wedding shower. It was a great shower and we can't wait for the wedding in July. I get to serve cheese cake, which with my chunky butt, do not need to be that close too! I guess I will have to practice will power..hmmm. The next weekend was my brother's 40th and lets just say I celebrated for him...not my proudest mommy moment, but I have learned and will not repeat! For Father's Day, we headed down to Yankton and there was a crew. We had 13 pads filled with family and friends. We were there from Thursday night to Monday, and couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous weekend for camping. The weather was amazing and certainly made the trip! Next year we plan on renting two circles, which will mean 18 pads! Let me know if you are interested in joining us! This last weekend we were in Mitchell for a wedding of some good friends of ours. Marcus was an usher and looked handsome in his tux...now I remember why I married him! Only kidding, I remember every day..it was an absolutely gorgeous weekend for a wedding and we had a ton of fun. We got to see some friends that we don't get to see very often but wish we did. Hopefully, with Mitchell not being to far away we can make some road trips to hang out! We are now getting ready to go camping for the 4th. Since I have been with Marcus, so for 6 years, each 4th we go to Lake Herman by Madison. His Grandparents come camping with us so it is always special to get to spend a whole weekend with them. Although, his Grandma's are tough Rummikub players and you got to watch them! We get to camp from Friday through Wednesday this year. I am excited to get to camp for such an extended period of time! After the 4th, we get to slow down for a couple weekends. We are home the weekend of the 6th, and on the 14th we will be celebrating Sawyer's baptism. I am excited to have family and friends be there to help bless our child. After that we are back on the road to Huron for Cousin Amanda's wedding, then Larson Fest, Yankton, Cities, Home, Home, Blackfox, Home, then Lake Vermillion...in case you lost count that puts into the third weekend in September! I keep saying eventually it will slow down, but I think it is just getting busier! I know that a time will come when weekends are spent at ball diamonds, or hockey rinks and I will miss all the trips so I suppose I should really be taking them all in now! Sawyer, is an amazing camper! He loves to be outside, swim, eat sand, go for walks, and sleeps soo good when camping! He could just sit and watch the bigger kids play and play. He got to go for a boat ride while in Yankton and I couldn't believe how content he was. He was soo quiet I actually thought something was wrong! Guess he just enjoys the water and the breeze! The summer has not been all fun and games. My grandpa had a heart attack and had to have heart surgery. He is doing really good, but I certainly didn't like him having surgery! My dad and step-mom are heading to Arizona and will be back for Sawyer's baptism and hopefully with my Grandpa in tow...considering it is like 110 in Arizona, 90 might be a nice change of temp for him! Well, I will get to the good stuff of pictures and such and will bore you with more ramblings later! Hope you are all well and drop a line, let me know how your summer is!


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