Monday, January 16, 2012

2 Months

Today was Sawyer's 2 month appointment and he is doing great. He weighed in at 11 lbs 4 oz, and 22 inches long. Our friend Emily held him the other day and guessed 11 lbs 5 oz, man she is good! The Dr. said his growth is wonderful and he is doing amazing! We talked about making the switch to formula and it seems to be fairly easy. At this point babies don't have very much for taste buds so he will not notice a difference between breast milk and formula. I will probably notice a difference in that he will most likely sleep longer, may spit up a little more frequently, and his poops may be more solid. The Dr. assured me that moving him to formula is just fine and not to feel guilty. With planning to do formula at daycare regardless, I think I should have enough breast milk to get us through at least month 4. We are going to try giving him formula for his 8-10pm feeding to see if he will sleep a little longer at night. The Dr. said he is really close to rolling over as well. He placed him on his tummy and said with how he is holding his head up and with his feet coming off the ground all he will need to do is push off with one arm and he will be over. He did say it will take a little more for him to go from his back to his tummy. We also got our first round of shots today. Oh, how horrible. Here was my smiling happy baby and here I was holding his arms down so the nurses could poke his thighs. Oh the face and the tears! I got pretty lucky and he didn't cry too much. I did pretty good and didn't cry at all. After the appointment we went home to eat, then took a trip to visit Grandma and off to Target to get a few essentials. Figured we might want toilet paper in the house. We had a pretty busy weekend with a retirement party for a friends dad on Friday, watching the lack of Tim Tebow magic at Uncle Pat and Aunt Missy's, and summed it all up with the Baptism of our friends little guy. Our next appointment is in two months, and we get another round of shots. I think this time I will make Marcus go with me to hold his hands down.


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