Monday, February 20, 2012


Well, I survived my first trip away from Sawyer. On Wednesday Feb. 15th Marcus, I and our friends Jason and Heidi left to go snowmobiling in the Hills. Grandma Nanon came to stay with Sawyer and even though I knew they would be just fine and have a lot of fun, the week up to leaving was horrible. On the actual day of leaving I was good, but the whole week of anticipation up to leaving was not good. We had a lot of fun on our trip with a few minor bumps along the way. Marcus started out his trip sick, and on Thursday I got to ride 26 miles before his clutch broke on his sled. In order for the trip to continue for him we needed to get the clutch fixed. I tried to tell him since it was his sled that was broken he could sit at Trailshead while we finish riding, but I bet you can all imagine how well that went over! So, there I sat. I ran into a buddy from work so chatted with him, and then my in-laws group showed up so I chatted with them. I probably only sat by myself for like 15 minutes. Marcus showed up and to Blackhawk we went. We were able to get his clutch fixed for a very reasonable price. So back to the cabin we went ready for the rest of the weekend sledding. Well, on Friday I woke up feeling great, but by the time we reached our destination I felt awful. It was that achy, upset stomach sick and I was pretty miserable. The rest of our group headed on to a different destination while Marcus and I headed back to the cabin. I still managed to put about a 100 miles on the sled on Friday, but the last 15 were not fun. The trails were rough (bumpy) and I was really sore and achy. Friday night I took her easy and Saturday felt a little better. The girls and I headed into Deadwood while the boys sledded. Took her pretty easy in Deadwood and came to realize gambling sober is not as much fun. Maybe it is because I have a sense of all the money I am losing! Sunday we packed up and hit the road to come home. Of course this is the day that I am starting to feel good again and at this point I really wish we had one more day in the hills. Good thing we were coming home though. My mom was starting to get ill as well. Must be something going around because Jason was also getting sick on the way home. Pretty much everyone in our group of snowmobilers was getting sick! I suppose that is what happens when you stick 8 people in a cabin and 4 out of the 8 are sick! Sawyer had been battling a pretty icky cold before we had left, but it was mainly stuffed up nose and no cough. Well today he has a pretty nasty cough, is wheezing a little when he breathes, and has a fun case of what I imagine is diarrhea. So, I am home with him today and we have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I am going to feel really dumb if it is nothing, but with the coughing, wheezing, and massive cases of RSV going around, I figure better safe than sorry. He has not been running a fever and seems to still be in good spirits, but really sleepy as well. I will keep everyone posted as to what the verdict is, and hopefully this is the end of round one sickness in the Hunter household! Hopefully tomorrow it is back to reality (work) and Sawyer gets to visit his friends at daycare. 


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