Monday, March 9, 2015


It is March. March. I cannot believe where the time has gone. Just like that Marcus and I were in Mexico. Just like that I was on the plane home. Just like that I was thrown back into the routine of life. I can honestly say the routine of my life is my favorite. I love the morning bottle with Hanna while watching the news, Sawyer getting upset because his waffle will not stay on his fork, the coffee ring my husbands leaves on the counter, and the dog laying in the most inconvenient spots possible. These are the moments I love. I work the late shift this week and thoroughly dislike it. One of my most favorite things is picking up the kids from daycare and listening to Sawyer tell me about his day. Who he played with, what he had for lunch, if he had fun, did he go outside, etc. No matter how my day goes when I get to pick those two littles of mine up life seems to stop and nothing matters but being in that moment. 

Moments are a funny thing. As I get older I seem to continue to learn how precious moments are. I am not sure if it is just me or if this happens to every what used to be rational adult but the older I get the more afraid of everything I get. I will choose to believe that I am not the only person this happens to, mainly for my sanity. I suppose I should clarify when I say I am afraid of everything. I am afraid of very irrational things like my plane crashing, lightning striking my camper in a storm, walking with my kids and they slip through the railings of the bridge over the interstate. Like I said, I am not afraid of rational things. So a trip to Mexico without my babies and my irrational fear that my plane was going to crash was sort of a big deal with me. But with the grace of the good Lord and perhaps some assistance with Xanax I made it without incidence and calmly. Almost to the point where my husband might travel with me by plane again. Seriously, I think the plane thing is they just don't make sense to me how they stay up in the air! I know that it is physics and all that good stuff but I also know that the law of gravity says what goes up must come down. Anyway, the point is that even with these irrational fears it is the moments I am most afraid of missing. So with that I am doing my best to live in the moment and not let the fears rule them for me. Because of that I had wonderful moments in Mexico with my husband, my brother, my dad, my sister-in-law, and my extend step family. Because of that my in-laws got a wonderful week with their grandchildren. I am however happy to report I do not have time away from the littles until May so I am going to savor every single moment. Even the ones that involve time outs, tears, saying sorry, and frustration because even those moments are amazing. Remind me of that last sentence when one of these moments are upon me and I am thinking this is not so amazing! 

Without further ado..some moments from Mexico
                                                            Me and my love on the beach

                                                            Back in the USA
                                                               Marcus's big purchase
                                             A small slice of paradise                                          

                                                  Brother and Sister and the out-laws

                                             Congratulations Brock and Melissa! 03/05/2015


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