Thursday, August 20, 2015


To say I hate Cancer is an understatement. Friends with Cancer, family with Cancer, kids with Cancer, babies with Cancer, truly a disease that show no discrimination on who gets it. You could be white, black, Christian, Atheist, male, female, good, bad, it just plain doesn't care. For some reason it always seems to be the good, the innocent, the pure of heart that get the disease. You don't often hear about the a-hole down the street biting it from Cancer. You hear about the 9 year old just starting life, the mother of 2 young kids, the grandparent watching their grand kids have kids. Needless to say, I hate Cancer. 

As much as I hate Cancer it has taught me to have a deeper faith, to see the joy in each moment, to savor life, to greater appreciate what I have, to be a better friend/daughter/wife/mother/person. It is tough to not ask why but tougher still to let the why go. It is so true that one walks by faith and not by sight. Cody and Holli most certainly walk by faith. 

It is crazy that in a world as technically advanced, medically advanced as ours we still struggle to find a cure for Cancer. It is nice to live in a world though with those that do not give up hope, continue to search, test, fail, search, test, and fail again but never give up hope that in the end their walking by faith will lead to a cure for the rest of us. 

In the end Cancer has made me walk by faith and with that faith I wait for the day when there is no Cancer that cannot be cured. I can only (delusionaly) hope this cure comes within the next year or so. With that, hold your friends and family close, let go of the grudges, breath the clean air, and enjoy this sweet ride of life for as long as you may have.
