Sunday, February 15, 2015

Off to the races! Life has been busy and so rewarding and with all that comes little time for blogging. That and I just wasn't totally in love with my blogging. Time to reset, I have recharged, and I am going to give this blogging thing another go. Mainly since I totally dropped the ball on the whole baby book thing it might be nice for my kids to have something that actually documented their early years. So, today marks the new blogger I have become, or the one I am going to strive to be. It is Valentines Day and I get to spend it with my loves. Generally in the past Marc and I have been snowmobiling but with a big trip to Mexico planned and paid for our dollars were slim. Not going to lie, I am okay with that. I like snowmobiling but it has certainly become something that I could for sure live without too. This year however it was spent watching my nieces do sports and quick hello's and see you later's with the family. Tomorrow is Monday and back to reality I suppose. The weekends just go too fast! I guess they go fast because they are fun, packed with activities and errands. Just Monday seems to sneak up on us way to quick. I wish I had the ability to stop time or bottle these moments. It seems as if I blink and they are gone. Just seeing the little adults my nieces and nephews are becoming gives me this huge reality check that these years where they get to be little, so innocent, needing you constantly are going to come to an end. Makes me truly sad some days. Yet I am excited for the future. To watch them grow and become these amazing human beings that I know they are meant to be. 

Marcus and I jet off to Mexico in two weeks for some sun, some fun, oh and the main event is a wedding! My step-brother Brock is getting married to a fabulous gal named Melissa. Should be an amazing time but I am going to miss my babies like crazy. I am sure though Grandma and Grandpa Hunter are more than ready to have us leave so they can have an entire week loving and spoiling our kids, furry child included. We get to go with my brother and sister-in-law, my dad and step-mom, the step-siblings, and a handful of their friends and other family. Marcus and I honeymooned in Mexico and had a wonderful time, however by like day 4 we were wishing we had some friends with. So we are excited to go, relax, enjoy the family, and celebrate Brock and Melissa's happy day. 

Hope this finds everyone well and stay tuned for more to come from the Hunter tales of life! Here are a few pics because no blog post should go without pictures.