Sunday, May 20, 2012

Half way mark

If you can believe it, we have made it to the 6 month mark. Surprisingly with only a few bumps along the way! Friday Sawyer went in for his 6 month appointment, which also meant mean mommy, another round of shots. My little tubby weighed in at 17.8 lbs! He also has managed to gain some length and is no longer in only like the 10th percentile, but has bumped to the 40th! He is 27 and 1/2 inches long. While he will still be no Michael Jordon, he is growing. I was hoping for a Phil Mickelson anyway! According to our Dr., he is perfect. We have been given the okay to start trying some table foods. Stuff he of course can gum up, mashed potato's, spaghetti, etc. I was advised that he will choke and that is how he learns that he needs to chew/gum the food up a little. I was told not to be nervous about the choking...hmmm. I have full faith and trust in my Dr. and I will give it a whirl, but I think I may still be a tad nervous! Sawyer does love his food though! He does however not enjoy green beans, those tend to just come rolling right out of the mouth! Sawyer seems to be flourishing at daycare! He is the youngest in his room so far, and I can see that he is well watched by some little mother hens in the room with him! The other day I went to pick him up and he was in the bouncer get some serious hugs by a little was super cute! He has become super interested in Boomer and has gotten pretty good at scooting himself towards where Boomer is. Boomer is a trooper and just lays there! This past weekend marked our first camping trip and other than a little wind and rain it was an excellent time! Sawyer did great, and is already a camping pro. Good thing since we have a few more trips lined up this year. Our friends Jason/Heidi/Coby/Chase, Jeff/Emily/Beckett, and Cousin CJ all headed to Lake Vermillion. It was Jason and Jeff's birthday...old men! So our families all joined in on the fun Friday night for dinner. Marcus and I were a little late getting to the campground due to unloading 2 and 1/2 tons of old shingles! was heavy and dirty..however our roof looks wonderful and now maybe we will quit getting roofing fliers in our door! The same weekend the guys roofed, Jason and I ran a 5k, and Heidi walked 3 miles with Coby and Chase for the Avera Breast Cancer. So, um, yeah, I did horrible, I mean embarrassingly horrible on the 5k. Sounds silly, but I am actually glad I did horrible, sort of lit a fire under my chubby butt! Boomer and Sawyer gave themselves...oh a jogging stroller for Mother's Day. Guess I need to start taking the hint! Mother's Day was really nice. My mom was supposed to come up, but had been battling the sickness and as much as I love her, she can keep the sickness. Instead, we went to dinner with my brother and family, Marcus's parents, Marcus's grandmother, and Marcus's aunt and uncle and cousin. It was a really good time, and I am glad we were all able to go together. With that being said...I am pooped from the weekend, and well to be brutally honest..I stink, so of to clean up and to bed I go. Pictures and more to come this week!