Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4 well more like 5 months

Sawyer had his 4 month appointment back on March 16th...I am a little late in blogging! At that time he weighed in at 14.2 lbs, and 24 inches long. My doc so kindly told me my son would not be the center of the basketball team and he probably gets that from me. I beg to differ and think it comes from Uncle Mike! Sawyer has learned to roll over and this is his new favorite thing to do. He also finds it fun to roll on his tummy, get mad, and expect you to roll him back over so he can do it again. He can roll himself back over, but I am guessing this game is more fun to him. We pretty much have halted the swaddling at night since now he simply busts free and rolls on his side. We have started baby food, and so far carrots and bananas are our favorite. We don't mind sweet potatoes, squash, or apples. We spit green beans and peaches out. We are a pretty messy eater, but we are slowly getting the hang of things. We are very drolly which makes me think his teeth are moving around in there. None poking through, but I think they are just moving. We have been illness free in our house for a whole month, up last Sunday. Sunday Sawyer's eyes were draining sleep/eye bugger stuff and were puffy. Monday morning his eye was matted shut, but we wiped it clean and off to daycare we went. He seemed fine for the day and night. Tuesday I got a call from daycare around 4:00 that he had woken up from his nap and his eye was matted shut again. Marcus went and got him and I met them at acute care around 5. He is being treated for pink eye and needs to take antibiotic eye drops 3 times a day, 2 drops in each eye. Have fun Grandma! My brother, sister-in-law, Marcus and I are heading to Kansas City for the race this weekend, and my mom and step-dad are coming to watch all three kiddos. Our big hairy kid is going to Grandpa and Grandma Hunters to play for the weekend. I am sure all will have fun. Not too much to report at this time. Looks like I get to become a Manning fan and I am a little sad to see Tebow go. Tear...camping season is coming soon, and we are all excited! More to come!!!

 P.S. I am now 16.4 lbs!