Friday, March 9, 2012

In Sickness and in sickness

Where to start...oh maybe with the sickness! Well we returned from our wonderful trip to the Hills and I was healthy, but my son and husband were not. I stayed home that following Monday the 20th with Sawyer and took him to the doctor and sure enough, he had RSV. We didn't get to see our normal Dr. because he was booked so we saw another one in the same clinic. He listened to Sawyer's lungs and said they were clear so to keep him home from daycare for a couple more days and he should be ready to rock and roll by Thursday. As I was leaving home to head to the clinic Marcus was pulling up and said he felt awful and was going in to bed. He planned on staying home with Sawyer on Tuesday since I took Monday off and was planning on taking Wednesday off to stay home with him. So I went to work on Tuesday and left the two sickies at home. Wednesday morning as I was feeding Sawyer, Marcus got up and threw up and ended up being sick all day on Wednesday as well. Thursday I took Sawyer to daycare and Marcus stayed home one more day to recover. At about 11am I got a call from daycare while I was at work that Sawyer's breathing was really labored and he was struggling. I called Marcus and had him go pick him up. Our Dr. was full again so his nurse recommended taking him to acute care at 5pm. So after work I picked up my two boys and we headed up to acute care, which I am thinking everyone had the same idea! We were there from about 5:30 to 8:45pm, it was insane. Little man had a chest x-ray, which he is not a fan of, and blood drawn, which he also not a fan of. His chest still was clear and his blood count was good but his oxygen was at like 94. The Dr. we saw said that at 92 he was admitting them, so while we avoided the hospital, we did get sent home with a nebulizar, which he is also not a fan of. Is it just me or am I seeing a pattern of not liking things? Friday I stayed home with him while Marcus finally felt well enough to go to work. Friday night we had dinner with Marcus's family that was in town and just hung out. At about 1:30am Sawyer woke up and was pretty much inconsolable. He simply wanted to be held and walked around. I did get him to fall asleep from about 6 to 7am and at 8am we took him back to acute care. Another x-ray and blood drawing later, he now had some junk in his upper lung and his blood count was a little elevated which the Dr. was pretty sure was now bronchitis. We were to continue nebs and add in a steroid for three days to help open his airways and amoxicilin for 10 days. He at least takes the medicine fairly easy! He was able to return to daycare the next Monday and finally I got to get a full week of work in! Just for the record, my little man is a serious rockstar! Other than the Friday night fussiness you never would have thought the little man was sick. He was still smiley and talked like crazy! Well, what I have now come to learn as that once you have a child in daycare or school, they will bring everything home to you. I am, learning this the hard way. Monday the 5th I went to work and was starting to feel a little achy and my throat was starting to tingle. I called Marcus and had him pick Sawyer up so I could seriously just go home after work and lay on the couch. I hardly slept at all Monday night and woke up Tuesday morning around 5 and my throat and body hurt soo bad. I was running anywhere from a 100 to 102 fever all day. I stayed home from work on Tuesday hoping my fever would break that night. Well Wednesday I had no fever but seriously begged Marcus to cut my throat out it hurt so bad. It was on fire, and when I swallowed it was like swallowing shards of glass. I stayed home from work and went to the doctor. The nurse swapped my throat and was pretty confident I had strep considering I had white puss pockets allover. I have never really had strep before, but this seriously was the most pain I had been in since my C-section and at least for that I could take some major pain meds! When did I become such a wuss? Well, the short strep test came back negative so I had the pleasure of getting an influenza test. Ya, that is real fun. Now I know why Sawyer is not a fan of the nose sucker! Basically they drop saline in your nose and use this machine to suck it out and test your mucus. Well, that came back negative as well, so I was told to take it easy and just treat the symptoms with aspirin and cough drops. Easy for the Dr. to say right? I attempted to go to work on Thursday, but considering I could hardly talk and apparently sounded like I was crying I didn't last long. I went home about noon. Thursday night was probably the worse, and I was literally in tears all night my throat hurt so bad. I think I got maybe a total of 3 hours of sleep and I went to bed at like 9pm. I was hoping to be well enough to go to work today, but to no avail, I again stayed home. I tried calling the Dr. yesterday to see if I could get drugs even though my strep test was negative and they told me that it was most likely viral if my culture comes back negative and there is nothing that can be done other than to wait it out. Not the thing a lady in tears and who has been quarantined from her kid wants to here. I think I am finally starting to turn the corner considering I can now swallow without cringing, but I plan on taking it super easy this weekend and doing nothing. My husband went to the Dr. on Thursday and was told he has a major sinus infection that will take anywhere from 10 to 14 days to clear up. He at least gets drugs. So for now, Sawyer and Boomer are the healthy ones in our household. Might I just add, Mom and Dad are not quite up to the rockstar status Sawyer is. I have not been smiley or talkative. Hopefully in the next few days I can clean the sickness away and we will be on the path to full recovery! Keep your fingers crossed for all of us!
